Terms and Conditions for BestBenzo.com
- We will give you a full refund if you return 90 % of the product. If you use more than 10 % of it, we can’t refund you.
- We don’t keep records. If you complain after 15 days of your order, we can’t help you.
- We have different bank accounts. If you send funds without confirming with us, we can’t be held responsible for lost funds.
- The references for bank transfers must be followed 100 % or your order might be rejected.
- We have the right to reject any customer and order.
- We use Royal Mail services for delivery. If you choose SPECIAL DELIVERY, it will be sent via Royal Mail’s Special delivery.
- Your parcel will be sent on our next shipping day. You’ll be told when your order is paid. Parcels usually arrive in 3 to 4 working days.
- If a product is out of stock and not listed on our site, we’ll refund your money 100 %.
- Once delivery is attempted or delivered with a signature, we consider it delivered. We’re not responsible if you weren’t home or someone else got it. In such cases, Bestbenzo.com is not responsible.
- We can send NDD for some products. For others, it will be normal delivery.